2) My least successful project was the mint drawing with chalk. I honestly think that the smear the chalk made, made it harder to work on. The perspective of the mint is very off realistically. I would use less chalk and change the perspective to make the mint drawing better.
3) Two pieces that I've done that show growth would be my tunnel colored pencil to my my beta fish colored pencil drawing. The tunnel project consisted of colored pencil, the perspective looked flat. The color of the project seems unrealistically. My improved colored pencil drawing was the Berta fish drawing. This drawing looks more enhanced and I definitely improved in texture and perspective.
4) One of the two lessons that were very beneficial was one, two, and three point perspective, it taught me a new way to draw and look at drawings, and helped me with perspective. The other beneficial lesson was learning how to add texture in paintings. The instructions were perfect and it really helped me improve my art work with texture.
5) My favorite medium to work with was paint. I figured out that painting comes naturally to me, but I wouldn't be as good as I am if I didn't learn new techniques. It was my favorite because I realized that I can see how to add a fade to the color of a painting. I realized that I enjoy painting.



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